How do I find articles on a topic?
- The University Libraries' Databases page groups databases by subject area.
- Click on the "i" to the right of a database title to get more information about that database.
- Most of the databases are article databases which allow you to search for articles by keywords.
- Once you choose a database, type keywords describing your topic into the search boxes to find article entries which include your words.
Can distance education students use library databases?
- The vast majority of library databases are available from off-campus with your Ball State University login.
- From the University Libraries’ homepage, select Databases under "Popular Services and Resources," and choose a database by subject area or by name in Databases A-Z.
- You may also use OneSearch and other library tools available from the University Libraries’ homepage from off-campus.
The article I want doesn't have a link to the full-text. How can I obtain the article?
- Databases available through the University Libraries will display a blue Find It @ BALL STATE button
that, when clicked, will tell you if the article in available in full text through another database.
- If the article is not available online, you'll see an Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) link on the resulting page or you may go to Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) directly to request the full text.