Description: Provides access to Ball State's scholarly works and institutional records, including Theses and Dissertations and University Records and Publications. Note: You may need a BSU username and password to access some content.
Time Period: 1950's to present
Subject Headings: Art & Architecture, Business, Education, English & Linguistics, General, Health, History, Humanities, Music, News, Philosophy & Religion, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences, Technology
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Archival Material, Audio, Citations, Dissertation and Theses
Information Included: Abstracts, Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: Ball State University
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Description: The Digital Media Repository offers digitized versions of a wide range of items including photographs, letters, posters, artwork, books, newspapers, and motion pictures. It also contains the Ball State University Board of Trustees minutes, building plans, course catalogs, and many other collections of university related items.
Time Period: 1800's to present
Sources: Contains records more than 175,000 items_
Subject Headings: General, History, Humanities, News, Social Sciences (Images)
Scholarly or Popular: Semi-scholarly
Primary Materials: Archival Material, Audio, Books/e-books, Images, Maps, Models, News, Other, Videos
Information Included: Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: Ball State University Libraries
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Use OneSearch to find books, theses and dissertations and periodicals about Muncie and Delaware County or sources for Middletown research.
To find resources in Archives and Special Collections, complete an "Advanced Search." Refine your search by using words and phrases in the "Subject" search box. After clicking the "Search" button, you can limit your results by clicking the "Library Location" tab on the left side of the screen and selecting "Archives and Special Collections". Remember to write down the call number and title (e. g. F534 . M9 G44 2000; Muncie, the Middletown of America).