Ball State University Libraries' OneSearch is a tool for discovering the resources in the University Libraries collections. The simple search box allows researchers to discover credible and reliable library content in one simple search and see results in a relevancy-ranked list. Researchers can access full-text content when available, locate items in the libraries' collections, or request items through Interlibrary Loan.
With OneSearch, you can:
- Search a wide variety of library resources with one search
- Refine your results easily by filtering and sorting
- Access full-text content when available
- Request items through Interlibrary Loan if necessary
- Limit your search to scholarly materials
- View citations to materials in a variety of formats
- Export citation information to EndNote or other citation management tools
What does OneSearch search?
- Titles owned by the library (books and other formats)
- Digital Media Repository
- Content from the databases included on the Databases page, including
- Academic Search Premier
- Business Source Complete
- Sociological Abstracts
- PAIS International
- And many many others
- Full text collections and online journal subscriptions
- Content from libraries beyond Ball State
- Archival collections