Corporate author and website publisher the same
When a website is created and published by the same entity, skip the author element, listing the title of the website or webpage first, followed by the name of the organization as the publisher only. (For example, see the citation for "Webpage on a website with an organizational author" below.)
Abbreviating titles for in-text citations
When the title is used as the first element in the entry on the Works Cited page, the title will be used in the in-text citation. Abbreviate the title for the in-text citation. Remove the, a, or an from the title and include the initial noun phrase as the abbreviated title (see example below for "Webpage without publication date"). The first word in the abbreviated title will be the word that the entry is alphabetized by on the Works Cited page so that it's easy for the reader to locate. If the title is short and only consists of a noun phrase, the title in the in-text citation will simply be the full title (see example below for "Webpage on a website with an organizational author"). For more details about abbreviating titles, see p. 240 of the MLA Handbook.
Date Accessed
While not required, including the date you first consulted an online source is encouraged, especially since websites can change. Add it at the end of the citation, using the word "Accessed." ex. Accessed 28 May 2018.
(Willingham and Elkin)
Works Cited list:
Willingham, AJ, and Elizabeth Elkin. “There's a Severe Shortage of Mental Health Professionals in Rural Areas. Here's Why That's a Serious Problem.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 June 2018,
("Safety Tips")
Works Cited list:
“Safety Tips for Traveling.” RAINN, Accessed 24 June 2020.
("Adolescent Mental Health")
Works Cited list:
“Adolescent Mental Health.” World Health Organization, 28 Sept. 2019,
Reference list:
Morell, Virginia. “Hummingbirds can see colors we can’t even imagine.” National Geographic,15 June 2020,
Works Cited list:
“Capricious.”, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 28 Oct. 2020.
("July Crisis")
Works Cited list:
“July Crisis.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 26 May 2020, Wikimedia Foundation, Accessed 10 June 2020.
("MLA Sample Paper")
Works Cited list:
“MLA Sample Paper.” The Purdue OWL, Purdue U Writing Lab, 2016,