IPA Converter: EasyPronunciation.com provides IPA (as spoken, not necessarily as sung!) for Chinese, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
In the print Music Collection, books on diction are classified as MT 883. Find several recommended volumes below, and browse the stacks or search online for even more resources. Recommended books are sorted by their call numbers to ease browsing. Hover over the info icon to see a description of the book.
Search Tips for Diction Resources:
In OneSearch, you can add "IPA" (International Phonetic Alphabet) to a keyword search to find transliterations of songs, arias, or complete operas.
To find books about diction, search Singing--Diction
Specific Resources:
The series Diction Coach is a collection of several aria anthologies by voice range. Each volume includes IPA transliterations of arias, word-for-word English translations, and CDs with diction coaches from the Metropolitan Opera and The Juilliard School reciting the text slowly, allowing the student to repeat each line.
The ABCs of Russian Diction is a DVD by Vladimir Morosan. An accompanying insert includes information on transliteration of Russian and IPS.
Phonetic Readings of Songs and Arias: Authentic Pronunciations of 413 Italian, German, and French lyrics from "The Singer's Repertoire" in International Phonetic Alphabet Transcription, by Berton Coffin.
Nico Castel's Opera Libretti Series includes the original texts, word-by-word translations, and IPA transcriptions for entire opera libretti. They can be found in Music Reference and have call numbers ML 48 through ML 50.
Occasionally, an individual opera's libretto is published with English translation and IPA transcription, such as Smetana's Bartered Bride.
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