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Welcome, THEA 299x students!
Throughout your course, you will need to consult outside information sources and bring them in to your healthcare simulations. As stated in your syllabus, under "Academic Integrity," you need to use legitimate, scholarly sources -- sources you find through the Ball State University Libraries' web site.
The Ball State Libraries have a wealth of information both online and in print form. So you have many options for finding quality healthcare information.
This guide will cover:
Great resource for finding dependable (and free) medical information on the Internet. This database does not index journal articles, and is intended for the general public, not for health professionals. Also available in Spanish.
Description: Great resource for finding dependable (and free) medical information on the Internet. This database does not index journal articles, and is intended for the general public, not for health professionals. Also available in Spanish.
Time Period: Current
Subject Headings: Health, Medicine
Scholarly or Popular: Popular
Primary Materials: Online articles, government reports, medical encyclopedia, and lists of hospitals and doctors
Information Included: Full Text
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: National Library of Medicine
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
TIP: MEDLINEPlus is produced by the US National Library of Medicine, a trusted source. You can feel confident you're being led to reliable information that's also written in language you can understand.
To search, use the search box in the upper-right, or the "Health Topics" link in the banner. Both will lead you to accurate, readable information.
Two titles of particular usefulness. They're included when you search the entire collection using the Gale e-Books: Medicine link above.
Use "Search Within Publication" to search within just this title.
Use "Search Within Publication" to search within just this title.
As you search in library databases, here are a few tips which may be useful:
Each of the following databases has its advantages and its disadvantages. Understanding the differences between them can help you as you decide which ones to use as you work through different topics related to your healthcare scenarios.
OneSearch is a tool that cross searches much of the content our databases and other online sources. You can search across many collections in one search box simplifying the resource discovery process.
Description: OneSearch is a tool that cross searches much of the content our databases and other online sources. You can search across many collections in one search box simplifying the resource discovery process.
Time Period: 1600 to Present
Subject Headings: Art & Architecture, Business, Education, English & Linguistics, General, Health, History, Humanities, Music, News, Philosophy & Religion, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences, Technology
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Abstracts, Citations, Government Documents, Journal Articles, Books
Information Included: Abstracts, Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: ProQuest
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
TIP: OneSearch is where you'll go if you want to find books we own. It's also good if you want to search very broadly, across many disciplines. But be prepared to go through lots and lots of results!
Health Source: Consumer Edition is a full text database of medical information from magazines, journals, and reference books. Reference titles include the Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, the Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine, and the Patient's Guide to Medical Tests. The database also provides access to pamphlets and other health information. Topics covered include, AIDS ,cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition and dietetics, children's health, and women's health.
Description: Health Source: Consumer Edition is a full text database of medical information from magazines, journals, and reference books. Reference titles include the Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, the Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine, and the Patient's Guide to Medical Tests. The database also provides access to pamphlets and other health information. Topics covered include, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition and dietetics, children's health, and women's health.
Time Period: 1984 to present
Sources: Provides access to the full text of nearly 80 magazines and journals.
Subject Headings: Health, Mobile, Science
Scholarly or Popular: Popular
Primary Materials: Journal Articles, Magazine Articles, Other, Reference Resources, Report
Information Included: Abstracts, Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: EBSCO
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
TIP: Health Source: Consumer Edition has a mixture of articles aimed at the general public and articles aimed at healthcare workers. This means some articles will be quite readable, and not too full of medical jargon. Some, however, will present lots more medical details. It's not a huge database, however, so you'll want to search elsewhere on your topic as well.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition includes journals from many medical disciplines and focuses on nursing and allied health. Journal subjects include audiology, child and adolescent psychology, environmental health, nursing, nutrition, and public health. Of the 500 full text journals contained in this database, 436 are peer reviewed.
Description: Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition includes journals from many medical disciplines and focuses on nursing and allied health. Journal subjects include audiology, child and adolescent psychology, environmental health, nursing, nutrition, and public health. Of the 500 full text journals contained in this database, 436 are peer reviewed.
Time Period: 1958 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 800 journals and magazines and provides full text for more than 500 titles.
Subject Headings: Health, Mobile, Science
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Journal Articles, Magazine Articles, Trade Publications
Information Included: Abstracts,Full Text,Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: EBSCO
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
TIP: Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition is aimed at healthcare professionals, like the nursing students you're working with. Expect medical language that may be tough to read without a dictionary. Still useful as a resource even if you don't read entire articles and instead stick to the introduction and conclusion.
Key database in the field of psychology. Includes information of use to psychologists, students, and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, and education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Description: PsycInfo is a key database in the field of psychology. Includes information of use to psychologists, students, and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, and education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Time Period: 1887 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 2,500 journals.
Subject Headings: Education, Mobile, Psychology, Social Sciences (Psychology)
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Journal Articles
Information Included: Abstracts, Citations, Linked Full Text
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
TIP: APA PsycINFO has a focus on academic research done in the field of psychology. If you're interested in the emotional side of something, or discussion regarding how relationships work in a certain situation, PsycINFO can help you. You can expect the language to be that used by professionals in the field of psychology. Reading the introduction and conclusion to some articles can be helpful in getting to the vital part.
Description: OneSearch is a tool that cross searches much of the content our databases and other online sources. You can search across many collections in one search box simplifying the resource discovery process.
Time Period: 1600 to Present
Subject Headings: Art & Architecture, Business, Education, English & Linguistics, General, Health, History, Humanities, Music, News, Philosophy & Religion, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences, Technology
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Abstracts, Citations, Government Documents, Journal Articles, Books
Information Included: Abstracts, Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: ProQuest
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Because you're searching a large number of databases at the same time when you do a search in OneSearch, you will get a wide variety of results. Some will be books (in our physical library), many will be articles (found through our article databases).
A topic that you may want to investigate is how patients and doctors communicate. We could try this search:
We find many, many results. First let's focus on finding books. Then we'll look at finding full-text articles.
To limit your results to books:
From the results page, look on the left for the CONTENT TYPE limiter. Choose "Book/eBook" as seen here:
In our results, we'll see both physical books, located in our libraries, as well as ebooks:
To find which floor to go to in Bracken Library for books in the General Collection, consult Book Locations and Floorplans and look for the chart that says "General Collection Book Locations."
To limit your results by content type:
In considering which sorts of information sources you want to use, consider:
Since journal articles in healthcare will likely be difficult to understand, we may consider choosing magazines and newspapers under CONTENT TYPE, as shown here:
To combine multiple terms using Advanced Search:
The Advanced Search option in OneSearch allows you to bring in different ways to describe the different aspects of your search.
Click on "Advanced Search" in the red bar.
To look for articles on communicating with your doctor, this search may help:
Notice how the terms in the first box are synonyms. Also notice that the OR needs to be in ALL-CAPS.
To learn more about your results:
Click on the "Quick Look" button to get more information about a particular title. Often it will provide the abstract, or a list of the subjects it covers, both of which helps to get an idea of what the article is about.
To get to the full article:
Either click on the article title or the "Full Text Online" link.
(Unless you're on campus, you'll need to then log in with your Ball State username and password to pull the full article up.)
Be willing to scroll through your list of results to find the ones that look best to you.
Description: Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition includes journals from many medical disciplines and focuses on nursing and allied health. Journal subjects include audiology, child and adolescent psychology, environmental health, nursing, nutrition, and public health. Of the 500 full text journals contained in this database, 436 are peer reviewed.
Time Period: 1958 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 800 journals and magazines and provides full text for more than 500 titles.
Subject Headings: Health, Mobile, Science
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Journal Articles, Magazine Articles, Trade Publications
Information Included: Abstracts,Full Text,Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: EBSCO
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Reminder: Health Source: Nursing/Academic is aimed at healthcare professionals and students. Expect medical terminology.
Here's an example of a search that might be useful in this database:
The quotation marks around the phrases in the first and second box tell the database to keep those words together and only bring up results with those words in that order.
Description: Health Source: Consumer Edition is a full text database of medical information from magazines, journals, and reference books. Reference titles include the Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, the Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine, and the Patient's Guide to Medical Tests. The database also provides access to pamphlets and other health information. Topics covered include, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition and dietetics, children's health, and women's health.
Time Period: 1984 to present
Sources: Provides access to the full text of nearly 80 magazines and journals.
Subject Headings: Health, Mobile, Science
Scholarly or Popular: Popular
Primary Materials: Journal Articles, Magazine Articles, Other, Reference Resources, Report
Information Included: Abstracts, Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: EBSCO
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
REMINDER: Health Source: Consumer Edition has a mixture of articles -- some journals aimed at healthcare personnel, some magazines aimed at the general public. But health topics are the focus of all of the them.
It may be useful to search for complications or risks associated with the disease or condition you're researching, as in this search:
Putting a string or synonyms or related terms together in a search box with "or" in between each word is a powerful way to search!
Consider limiting your results to the health magazines by looking on the left, under "Source Types." This will focus on shorter, more readable articles.
Description: PsycInfo is a key database in the field of psychology. Includes information of use to psychologists, students, and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, and education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Time Period: 1887 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 2,500 journals.
Subject Headings: Education, Mobile, Psychology, Social Sciences (Psychology)
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Journal Articles
Information Included: Abstracts, Citations, Linked Full Text
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Reminder: APA PsycINFO has a focus on psychological topics. Expect terminology used by experts in the field.
Here's an example of what a search could look like in APA PsycINFO:
Obviously, by simply changing the terms used in that last box you can focus in on the particular condition or disease your character is having to deal with.
When you're using a database, and can't find a link to the full text of an article, look for a Find It @ Ball State button, sometimes under "Access Options."
Find It helps you to search the Libraries' other databases and subscriptions to see if the full text is available through another resource.
To use Find It, click on the red Find It @ Ball State button. (Sometimes you must click on "Access Options" to see "Find it @ Ball State.")
If we DO have full text access to the article, a page will be displayed with options for access under "Full Text Format Options." The typical options are:
If we do NOT have immediate full text access to the article, the OneSearch record for the article will be displayed.