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SPCE 691: Supervising Human Service Staff in ABA

Get research tips and database suggestions for your SPCE 691 projects.

What you need to do...

The research-related part of this assignment:

"You will do a literature review of your antecedent intervention using articles published in the last five years."

Choose your database

APA PsycInfo will be the best place to start.  Because all of these antecedent interventions could be used in the classroom, however, it's a good idea to check ERIC (EBSCOhost), too.

Choose your search terms

Some of the antecedents will be easy to search on.

For example, finding research about activity schedules just involves typing that phrase into APA PsycInfo, as shown here:

Search box in APA PsycInfo with this text: "activity schedules"

However, with others, you may have to look at your results and think if there are better ways to search for it.

For example, while it's typically a good idea to put quotation marks around antecedents that are well-known phrases, if you don't find much, remove the quotation marks.  Then the database will search for the search terms even if they're not found side-by-side, which is fine in this example regarding "response prompting:"

Search box in APA PsycInfo with this text: response prompting

...which found this article, that also seems on-topic, or at least worth giving a look:

Title of an article: "using embedded trials and systematic prompting to promote tacted and intraverbal responses for students with developmental disabilities"

And sometimes you'll just have to find a way to narrow down the results to be closer to your topic.

For example, if your antecedent is physical activity/exercise, it's probably best to add "intervention" in another search box, to limit results down, like this:

Two search boxes in APA PsycInfo.  1st box: physical activity or exercise  2nd box: intervention

For other topics, you will need to be creative!

Place limits on your search

To focus on more recent articles, you'll need to change the "All Time" drop-down menu on the results page to a date range that works for your needs.

Search screen in APA PsycInfo with arrow pointing to the All Time drop-down menu, which has "Past 5 years" chosen

Once you've chosen your article

Once you've chosen an article based on its record in the database you're searching, bring up the full text of the article by using the "Access now" or "Access options" buttons, or by looking for the "Find It @ Ball State" button, depending on the database.

For more information, check out the information at Find the Full Text of an Article and/or Interlibrary Loan.