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SPCE 290: Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Provides specific suggestions to help with assignments requiring research in SPCE 290.

What you need to do...

The "research" part of this assignment:

"Discuss a treatment used to enhance the social skills of individuals with autism spectrum disorders.  You will need to conduct a literature search and identify a research article that has been published since 2005 that discusses a specific treatment."

Choose your database

You've done enough research for this class to be able to choose an appropriate database for this assignment.  I'd choose a database that includes research in the field of psychology.  (Is that hint enough?)

Choose your search terms

Identify the keywords that you need to search on.  It's not too difficult, here.

Some ideas:

  • put quotes around phrases of two or more words in order to keep the words together.
  • consider including synonyms or related terms with OR in between in the same search box.  (Ex. teenagers OR adolescents)

Make sure you choose a research article

There are several ways to ensure you're choosing a research article:

  • Including the word "research" as a search term, can help.  But you still need to read the chosen article carefully to make sure it's original research, and not just reporting on someone else's research.


  • Using PsycINFO, look for the Methodology limiter under the Advanced Search boxes and choose either EMPIRICAL STUDY or QUANTITATIVE STUDY.