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An introductory guide to Scalar, an open source authoring and web publishing platform.

Introduction: Scalar

Scalar is a free, open-source authoring and publishing platform designed to make the process of producing long-form, born-digital scholarship flexible and accessible. Scalar enables users to gather media from multiple sources, annotate and otherwise describe it, and then juxtapose these media items with their own writing and narrative. Authors can accomplish all of this through a platform requiring minimal technical expertise. Scalar also provides tools to organize editorial workflows, non-linear digital writing, collaborative authoring, and reader commentary.

Scalar is an Alliance for Networking Visual Culture (ANVC) project, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. For news and updates about Scalar and to see how others are using the platform, check out them out on Twitter.

This guide introduces the platform, aggregates resources, and outlines the structure and elements of a Scalar project. Many of the technical processes of uploading media, annotations, themes, etc., are outlined in the Scalar 2 User Manual.

Related LibGuides

Please see the following related libguides for additional help in your digital scholarship projects:

Digital Humanities: Learn about the digital humanities production taking place here and learn about BSU's involvement in the Indiana Digital Humanities Initiative.

Data Management & Sharing: Find resources and direction for planning and drafting data management plans.

Omeka: A guide to Omeka, a web publishing platform for online archives, collections, and exhibits.

Text Analysis: An introductory guide to computational text analysis.