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Dance Studies

A guide to academic research in the study of dance and dance history.

Online Streaming Resources

University Libraries subscribes to several streaming platforms which include videos of theatre and dance productions and other resources. These platforms often feature niche content which is more current and better organized than familiar commercial platforms like YouTube and Netflix.

Dance Online: Dance in Video

Tips for using Dance Online: Dance in Video

To search by a topic or by a name, type your words into the search box in the upper-right hand corner, and hit Enter.

Then, if you'd like to place limits on your search, to be more specific about the sort of video you're interested in, click on "Filter your results" or the funnel icon.

For example, I may want to limit to videos including performance and some discussion of Martha Graham, as shown here:

When you click on a filter choice, your results will be adjusted.  You may place several filters; but do understand that you'll find fewer and fewer results as you place more filters.

To watch a certain video, click on the video's title, and a new window will open up and the video will start in full screen.

To see more about the video, use the links at the top of the screen.

Especially helpful is the "Cite" option, which allows you to easily get a sample citation for the video in MLA or APA format.