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Classical Cultures

This guide will help you find sources about Classical Cultures, including the languages, literature, history, and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome.

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch helps you find out what information is available on a topic and how you can access it. OneSearch simultaneously searches nearly all the University Libraries' holdings: books, articles, encyclopedias, music, films, archival resources, and more. 

OneSearch can be particularly useful if you are just starting your research and are not sure where to begin, or if you have a very specific topic and hope to avoid repeating your search in multiple databases in order to find enough sources. 

Beginning a search

You can begin using OneSearch by typing your search terms in the OneSearch box. 

  • Use quotation marks to tell OneSearch to find sources that include the enclosed phrase as opposed either word wherever they appear. 
  • To search for sources that contain multiple search terms, type AND between your terms. 
  • To search for sources that contain at least one term from your list, include OR between your terms. 

After entering your terms, hit the search button. 

Applying filters

A variety of filters appear on the left side of the results page. 

  • Refine your search includes options popular in library databases, for instance restricting results to full text or scholarly sources. 
  • Content type provides options for limiting results to books, journal articles, etc. 
  • Subject terms allow you to restrict search results to those sources that are specifically about the topics or ideas expressed by each option. 
  • Publication date allows you to exclude sources published before or after a specified range of dates. 
  • Library location options limit results to specific collections within the University Library, e.g. the Music Collection or the General Collection. 
  • Language allows you to restrict results to those published in a specified language or languages.

Within the filters, each option is accompanied by a number that indicates how many search results appear within each option. Often the world "more" appears as a link below the options for each filter, indicating other options are available. The full range of options can be accessed by clicking the link. 

For help using OneSearch, please ask a librarian.