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Skip to Main ContentThese databases have a high concentration of journals and articles about Classical Studies generally. They are excellent places to begin looking for sources. Other pages in this guide include recommended databases for more specific aspects of Classical Studies, such as language, literature, history, philosophy, and culture.
These databases are more general - that is, each covers multiple subjects - but do include some journals and articles about Classical Studies.
The University Libraries have current and back issues of several Classical Cultures journals in print. You can find them using OneSearch's advanced search feature.
To find back issues of these journals, search for the word "classical" as a subject term and use the "content type" filter to choose "journal/ejournal." On the left side of the results page, click "library location" and choose "bound periodicals." Back issues of journals are shelved alphabetically (by journal title) on Bracken Library's second floor.
Recent printed issues of a few Classical Cultures journals are available in the Current Periodicals collection on Bracken's first floor. These can also be found via OneSearch's advanced search, by choosing "current periodicals" on the results page.