Begin your research with these entries at Oxford Music Online and Garland Encyclopedia (log-in required off campus).
Enhance your studies with these free online resources.
The recommended books below include print reference sources and books on a wide sampling of blues topics. Reference sources on blues are classified in ML 102.B6 (dictionaries and encyclopedias), ML 128.B49 (bibliographies), and ML 156.4.B6 (discographies). Other books can be found in biographies (especially ML 420) and in types and styles of popular music (ML 3521). Books are sorted by their call numbers for ease of browsing. Hover over the info icon to see a description.
Compact Discs:
Martin Scorsese presents The Blues (A PBS documentary series)
The Blues: Smithsonian box set collection (4 CDs plus booklet): Compact Disc 5728
The Great Blues Men (a sampler): Compact Disc 1642
DVDs and Online Videos:
Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues (A series of films by various directors) DVD Video 621 - 627
Blues Masters: History of the Blues: DVD Video 3813
Blues Playlist on (log in required from off campus)
Users are encouraged to search for items beyond University Libraries' catalog via RILM Abstracts of Music Literature and WorldCat. Materials not available in print or online may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Please allow up to seven days for electronic delivery and up to fourteen days for delivery of physical items.