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SPCE 609: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Start your ABA research off right by looking for scholarly articles.

About this guide

This guide is meant to accompany SPCE 609 assignments where you need to find journal articles on a topic in applied behavior analysis.

While searching the Internet may prove somewhat useful to you, you'll be better served using library databases to find reliable, authoritative research in your field.  As a Ball State student, you are entitled to use the University Libraries, whether in the building or from afar.  This guide should give you some tools you can use for finding the research you need.

APA PsycInfo and ERIC have a new look

Logo of EBSCOhostIf you've used APA PsycInfo and ERIC in the past, you'll notice that they have a new user interface.  Don't worry!  Most of the changes are intuitive, and there are some new features you'll love.

This brief video from EBSOhost (the database provider of APA PsycInfo and ERIC) highlights the use of the new interface.

Choosing a database

When you're doing academic research:

There are two principle research databases in the field of applied behavior analysis:

OneSearch is our discovery layer, helping you to discover titles in a wide variety of formats and topics.  It will also be a useful tool for you, especially when you're searching for a title you know.

Constructing and revising database searches: An example

decorative element showing two gearsTry using the CHOP, DROP, and OR method for constructing your search.  It allows you to cast your net wide, so you bring up literature which might be related to your topic -- closely or tangentially -- so that you can consider it.

Here is an example of how that might work:

If my topic is "What are some ABA interventions for dealing with rumination?"  APA PsycInfo will be a good database to use.

  • I'd first chop my topic up into these three areas:
    • ABA
    • intervention
    • rumination
  • Then I'd drop each into a search box, like this:

APA PsycInfo search screen with 3 boxes with these terms:  1st box: aba  2nd box: intervention  3rd box: rumination

  • And then I'd use or between synonyms and related words.  So my search would look like this:

APA PsycInfo search page with 3 search boxes with these terms:  1st box: aba or "applied behavior analysis"  2nd box: intervention or treatment or therapy  3rd box: rumination

  • I could improve my results further by looking at the records of articles I pull up which seem on-topic, such as this one:

Record for an article in APA PsycInfo with red boxes around these two terms in the Subjects field: Behaviorism and "Functional Analysis"

  • The highlighted terms above can be worked into a revised search like this below, putting related terms in the same box with OR in between:

Advanced Search page in APA PsycInfo with 3 boxes with these terms:  1st box: aba or "applied behavior analysis" or "functional analysis" or behaviorism  2nd box: intervention or treatment or therapy  3rd box: rumination

  • Evaluate your results and adjust your search based on what you note.  Be patient, too, as research takes time!

Video: Using the CHOP, DROP, and OR Search Strategy