Your assignment:
"You must select 3 research papers from peer-reviewed journals, plus 3 additional scholarly works of your choice (i.e., books, other articles, etc.) You must inform your instructor of your topic, your choice of social media outlet, and provide APA style references of your selected sources."
While it depends on your topic somewhat, APA PsycInfo will likely be the best database to consult for this assignment. However, if your topic deals with anything related to the classroom, learning, or teaching, you may also want to try ERIC (EBSCOhost.)
Links to those databases are here:
Key database in the field of psychology. Includes information of use to psychologists, students, and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, and education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Description: PsycInfo is a key database in the field of psychology. Includes information of use to psychologists, students, and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, and education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Time Period: 1887 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 2,500 journals.
Subject Headings: Education, Mobile, Psychology, Social Sciences (Psychology)
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Journal Articles
Information Included: Abstracts, Citations, Linked Full Text
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
ERIC EBSCOhost is a key database in the field of education, providing access to bibliographic records of journal and non-journal literature. About one third of the content is accessible in full text from within the database.
Description: ERIC EBSCOhost is a key database in the field of education, providing access to bibliographic records of journal and non-journal literature. About one third of the content is accessible in full text from within the database.
Time Period: 1966-present
Sources: Indexes more than 650 journals.
Subject Headings: Education, English & Linguistics, Mobile, Music
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Abstracts, Books/e-books, Dissertation and Theses, Grey Literature, Journal Articles, Reference Resources, Report
Information Included: Abstracts, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Use the CHOP, DROP, and OR technique for your search strategy.
Breaking your topic up into the concepts involved is a great way to start planning your searching. (This is the CHOP part of CHOP, DROP, and OR.)
Then drop each concept from your topic into a separate search box. (This is the OR part of CHOP, DROP, and OR.)
Next, consider whether there are synonyms and related terms that you also want to search on, and use OR to include those. (This is the OR part of CHOP, DROP, and OR.)
Finally, be willing to explore, experiment, and revise your search!
Here's an example:
Remember that research takes time...and be willing to scroll down through your list, looking for good 'hits!'
It's important that you use APA citation style as you cite the articles and other sources for your References List.
When you want to cite a source you've found using a library database, you can start by looking for the "Cite" feature.
To use the "Cite" feature in APA PsycInfo and ERIC (and other EBSCOhost databases):
To use the "Cite this item" feature in OneSearch:
Things to check for:
When you're using a database, and can't find a link to the full text of an article, look for a Find It @ Ball State button, sometimes under "Access Options."
Find It helps you to search the Libraries' other databases and subscriptions to see if the full text is available through another resource.
To use Find It, click on the red Find It @ Ball State button. (Sometimes you must click on "Access Options" to see "Find it @ Ball State.")
If we DO have full text access to the article, a page will be displayed with options for access under "Full Text Format Options." The typical options are:
If we do NOT have immediate full text access to the article, the OneSearch record for the article will be displayed.