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SPCE 292: Treatment and Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Learn some research tips for your assignments requiring you to find information sources.

Augmentative and alternative communication device assignment

Your assignment:

"Select an augmentative and alternative communication device or system discussed in Chapter 5 of your text. Provide a short overview of how the device or system works and how it is used with an individual with autism spectrum disorder. Conduct a literature search and find two data-based articles discussing its use with individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Summarize each article and provide a statement of whether the research supports the use of the device or system with individuals with autism."

Choose your database

Both APA PsycInfo and ERIC include coverage of the topic of augmentative and alternative communication.  Either of these would be a good choice.  You may also want to consider searching in the nursing database called CINAHL if you want to focus on the health side of using an augmentative and alternative communication device.

Here are links to those databases: 

Choosing your search terms and your search technique

Using the CHOP, DROP, and OR method, you can split your search up into the concepts involved.

If you're not sure of the terms to use as you start out, remember that doing a broad search and looking through what you retrieve can be helpful.

  • Look at the terms used by authors in their article titles, and in their abstracts.
  • Look at the terms used by the database by checking the subject area

When you find terms that look like they might help, incorporate them into your search.

Do remember that the more search boxes you put terms in, the fewer records you'll retrieve.  If you're finding too few results, remove a search box so that you have more records to look at.

Limit to empirical, data-based articles

What if you need to find articles which are empirical studies, based on data?  Here are some tips:

Signs an article you find is data-based:

  • it says it uses participants
  • it includes these headings within the article: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, and Discussion/Conclusion.
Easiest way to limit your search to data-based studies:
  • Go to APA PsycInfo and type in the terms you want to search on.
  • Under the search boxes, you'll see "Filters" as a choice, with many ways you can limit your results.

Shows Filters choice, next to "Search options," and "Subjects"

  • There's a Methodology limiter toward the bottom, where you can choose either EMPIRICAL STUDY or QUANTITATIVE STUDY.  Both of those methodology types include data in them.

Methodology limiter box, with EMPIRICAL STUDY and QUANTITATIVE STUDY chosen

Unfortunately, few other databases allow you to place this kind of "Methodology" limiter, so it's on you to look for the signs, mentioned above if you're using a different database.  Often just reading the abstract will make it clear that the study design is based on data, though, so it's not too difficult.

Find It @ Ball State: Helping you find the full text of the title you want

When you'button with this text: "Find It @ Ball State"re using a database, and can't find a link to the full text of an article, look for a Find It @ Ball State button, sometimes under "Access Options."

Find It helps you to search the Libraries' other databases and subscriptions to see if the full text is available through another resource.  

  • If it is available, Find It provides a link to the text of the article.
  • If it cannot find the full-text, Find It provides a link to Interlibrary Loan so that you can request that we get a copy of the article from another library.

To use Find It, click on the red Find It @ Ball State button.  (Sometimes you must click on "Access Options" to see "Find it @ Ball State.")

If we DO have full text access to the article, a page will be displayed with options for access under "Full Text Format Options."  The typical options are:

  • PDF: the file format reflecting the formatting for a printed page
  • Link: taking you to the webpage version of the article

red arrow pointing to area with Full Text Format Options

If we do NOT have immediate full text access to the article, the OneSearch record for the article will be displayed.

Links "Request the item with Interlibrary Loan / ILLiad"