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SCCO 600: Introduction to School Counseling (Barrow)

Learn about the databases which will be most helpful in the field of school counseling.

APA PsycInfo and ERIC have a new look

Logo of EBSCOhostIf you've used APA PsycInfo and ERIC in the past, you'll notice that they have a new user interface.  Don't worry!  Most of the changes are intuitive, and there are some new features you'll love.

This brief video from EBSOhost (the database provider of APA PsycInfo and ERIC) highlights the use of the new interface.

Most useful databases

Other databases to consider

Searching Strategically with the CHOP, DROP, and OR method

To search like a pro, use the CHOP, DROP, and OR technique.  This works in most every library database.

CHOP your topic into the different concepts involved.

Sample topic: whether taking breaks outside during the school day can have positive effects on students in terms of their school work. 
  • Concepts: breaks, outside, positive, students

DROP each concept into a separate search box on an Advanced Search screen.  (I'll have to add extra search boxes to do this search.)

Then think of whether there are different spellings, synonyms, or related words for each concept and type them in (if there are), using OR between them.

  • breaks OR recess OR rest periods
  • outside OR outdoor OR nature
  • positive OR benefits OR advantages

Here's how those terms might be entered into an Advanced Search form in APA PsycInfo:

4 search boxes in APA PsycInfo with these search terms:  1st box: breaks or recess or rest periods  2nd box: outdoors or nature or outside  3rd box: positives or advantages or benefits  4th box: students

Then, of course, you want to evaluate what you find.

  • When you see a good title, that seems on-target topic-wise, read through and note if it uses different terms you could incorporate into your search.
  • Incorporate terms from the subject field when possible.  Consult the database Thesaurus (="Subjects") for help.
  • You may find research that leads you in a new direction with your research.  Follow it!