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SCCO 600: Introduction to School Counseling (Barrow)

Learn about the databases which will be most helpful in the field of school counseling.

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser plugin that makes scholarly research easier by helping you locate a copy of the article when it’s available via a University Libraries subscription. You can install Nomad in Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi.  Here is a link to a video with more information about Nomad.

Download the LibKey Nomad Plugin

When LibKey Nomad finds journal citation information on a webpage, it determines if the article is available through the Ball State University Libraries.  If so, it will display an icon for you to click on to access the article.  If access is not available it will take you to a OneSearch record where you can use the Request the item with Interlibrary Loan / ILLiad link to request a digital copy using our Interlibrary Loan service.

Installing LibKey Nomad

The Nomad plugin can be installed when you are either on or off campus.

  1. Use the link to the LibKey Nomad site above and navigate to your browser's plugin by clicking on the orange Get LibKey Nomad Now button
  2. Follow the on-screen directions
  3. Select Ball State University as your institution

Using LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is easy to use.  It can be used on journal publisher's websites (e.g. Wiley Online), PubMed and Wikipedia to name a few.  Just download the plugin, do some web searching, and look for the Nomad buttons on the website. 

What do the Buttons Mean?

  • Download PDF- Takes the user directly to a PDF. (May require login with BSU credentials)
  • Article Link- Takes the user directly to the article text in HTML format. (May require login with BSU credentials)
  • Access Options- Provides you the option requesting the article via Interlibrary loan.
  • Manuscript PDF or Manuscript Link- This appears when articles are found in an Accepted Manuscript repository.  Although the article has not been published, it has been through the peer reviewed process and may not be formatted publication.
  • Provided By- This is not a button but is a logo which appears in PubMed, Wikipedia, and Web of Science, and let you know that the page has been modified to include the Nomad service.  You will also see buttons which allow you to access the text.