This map will show you the locations of ALI institutions around the state:
Use the map to find the ALI member library closest to you (note: not all map locations are exact; make sure to check the institution's website for specific directions).
Having trouble with the map? Visit Academic Libraries of Indiana to see a list of ALI member libraries.
Sign up for ALI by contacting the Interlibrary Loan department at (765) 285-1323 or
Would you like to get a preview of the table of contents of a book, or sample pages of the book's content? Google Books provides an easy way to preview a book to see whether you may want to request it or not.
In addition, older books that are not under copyright may be available in full text.
As a Distance/Online student, you have several options for receiving books:
If you do not live near Muncie:
If you live near Muncie:
The ALI program allows you to check books out directly from a library near you. Many academic libraries in Indiana are part of this organization.
OneSearch is a tool that cross searches much of the content our databases and other online sources. You can search across many collections in one search box simplifying the resource discovery process.
OneSearch research tips:
A third option for finding books is to use WorldCat. WorldCat lets you search for items in libraries throughout the United States and even internationally.