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ARCH 329 - Barry - Spring 2024

Resources for students in Prof. Kristin Barry's ARCH 329.

Harvard Citation Style Resources

Citations in OneSearch

Use OneSearch to generate citations in Harvard or other citation styles.

Copy the citations one by one using the quotation mark links OR save records with the bookmarks and copy the list.

1. Click on the quotes link


2. Choose a citation style format


Or, bookmark the items and create a list of citations.

1. Bookmark the item


2. Choose a citation style format for the list. Copy, Print, or Email the list of citations.

Citations in the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

Use Database Tools to Create Citations

Databases such as the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals also offer citation options.

1. Click on the Citation link in the record for the article

Or, save article citations to the folder and Email the list in a citation style format.

1. Add citations to the Folder.

2. Go to the Folder and select Email and a Citation Format.