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ENG 601: Student-created guides

Introduction and general research tips

This guide is designed to help you with research into more contemporary American texts from the 20th and 21st centuries. 

As with several of the other areas covered in this guide, we recommend starting with the databases on our General page when searching for secondary sources, particularly MLA Bibliography and Google Scholar for more contemporary texts. If you are looking at a very recent text, published in the last five years or so, you may need to tailor your search to book reviews and author interviews about your text, since there may not have been enough time for peer-reviewed scholarly work to be published. 

Since research in this field can vary so widely, we also recommend starting with online archives like HathiTrust and Internet Archives when looking for primary sources. Also remember that many authors who fall under this period’s umbrella are still living, and their voices can be found in newspapers, podcasts, interviews, and other forms of both print and online content. 

Flagship journals and other recommendations

General Research Tip: When working with contemporary texts and authors, it can be helpful to look for book reviews and interviews in addition to peer-reviewed scholarly work. Peer-review and publication are years-long processes and, if your research pertains to very contemporary work, broadening the scope of your search can help you find resources you may have unknowingly excluded. 

Reference works

We recommend starting with reference works that deal directly with historical events relevant to your text. 

Current and historical news

Since many contemporary works directly relate to contemporary events, we also recommend databases that contain current news content. 

Other resources

Professional organizations and conferences