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Antiracism and Intersectionality Resources

Suggested Reading

  • The purpose libguide to serve as a resource for faculty who want to expand their antiracism knowledge base to better serve students in and outside of the classroom. As you work through the suggested readings we suggest that you ask yourself the following questions:

    Reflecting on Self • 

    What is my racial and cultural heritage? How do I know? 

    In what ways do my racial and cultural backgrounds influence how I experience the world, what I emphasize in my teaching, and how I evaluate and interpret others and their experiences? How do I know?

    Where do you place yourself in your commitment to antiracist principles and values? 

     What systemic and organizational barriers and structures shape peoples’ experiences in school, and in the broader community? How do I know?

    Shifting from Self to System • 

    What is the contextual nature of race, racism, and culture in my classroom, my school, and the broader community? How do I know? 

    What are the cultural and racial heritage and historical landscape of my students? How do I know? 

    In what ways do my students’ racial and cultural backgrounds influence how they experience the world? How do I know? 

    How do you talk about bias to students who could use the information but might not want to hear it? 

    Reflecting on Self in Relation to Students • 



    Disciplinary Code Key (DC): The disciplinary code key will help individuals identify books that are written for their area of study however, we acknowledge that some books can crossover to many disciplines.  


    Journalism (CCIM) : J

    Sociology:  S

    Criminal Justice/Criminology: C

    African American Studies: A

    Biased: Uncovering the hidden prejudice that shapes what we see, think, and do. by Eberhardt, Jennifer L.

    Call Number: BF575.P9 E34 2019
    Publication Date: 2019
  • Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? (20th anniversary edition) by Tatum, Beverly Daniel.
    Call Number: E185.625 .T38 2017
    Publication Date: 2017
  • How to be Antiracist by KENDI, IBRAM X
    Call Number: E184.A1 K344 2019
    ISBN: 9780525509288
    Publication Date: 2019
  • Between the world and me by Coates, Ta-Nehisi
    Call Number: E185.615 .C6319 2015
    ISBN: 9780812993547
    Publication Date: 2015