(pdf) Inclusive Excellence Teaching and Service Evaluation ToolkitThe following documents are meant to be templates/models that individual departments can draw upon to supplement the evaluation of teaching and service, particularly regarding annual review and merit pay. Ideally, these templates/models will provide departments with tangible means to ensure that Inclusive Excellence has a central place in rewards and recognition practices, as well as in promoting IE in training, professional development, and curriculum. Moreover, by adopting these self-and peer service and teaching evaluation forms, departments will do their part in fostering a university culture and climate grounded in the aims of Inclusive Excellence.
Table of Contents:
-Self-evaluation of IE in teaching form
-Peer evaluation of IE in teaching form
-Self-evaluation of IE in professional service activities form
-Peer evaluation of IE in professional service activities form
-Sample language for adjusting department/unit-level policies to achieve greater IE
-Key considerations for IE relating to non-tenure-line, adjunct, and graduate assistant instructional employees.