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Academic Integrity and Avoiding Plagiarism

Use this guide to understand the importance of Academic Integrity and how to avoid plagiarism.

What is plagiarism?

The academic ethics policy at Ball State University defines plagiarism as "intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of others as one’s own in any academic exercise." Acts of plagiarism can take on numerous forms, such as:

  1. Submitting an assignment under your name which has been wholly or partially written by another party. 
  2. Presenting the ideas, words, or representations of an author as your very own.
  3. Allowing your work to be submitted by another student as if it were their original work.
  4. Fabricating data, citations, or quotes in order to bolster your argument in an academic exercise.
  5. Cheating or abetting another party to commit an act of academic misconduct.
  6. Cooperating with another party in academic misconduct. 
  7. Making a false claim that the assignment in question was completed at an internship or class group assignment. 
  8. Intentionally destroying or altering another student's work, whether it's art, in written form, computer files, or another format.

Types of plagiarism


Image retrieved from Sarah Lawrence College:

The above image comes from Turnitin's Plagiarism Spectrum, a helpful visual aid to understand and identify the types of plagiarism that can occur while conducting academic research.