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DANC 220: Contemporary Dance Forms (Koper)


Nonprofit organizations: Unlike for-profit corporations, these organizations do not draw a profit from their work. In other words, they only make the money needed to cover salaries and other expenses.

501(c)(3) organizations: These are nonprofit organizations which are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. You'll often hear these organizations referred to as "501(c)(3) nonprofits." They're what we usually think of when it comes to nonprofits, and they can be one of two types:

  1. Public charities: These tax-exempt nonprofits work for the public good and typically toward a specific cause such as providing community arts programming.
  2. Private foundations: These tax-exempt nonprofits collect income from investments and endowments. They then redistribute this money to public charities by awarding grants.

Form 990: This form from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides tax-exempt status to qualifying nonprofit organizations. If an organization does not file a Form 990, it is legally not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Employer Identification Number (EIN): Every organization in the United States, nonprofit and for-profit alike, has an EIN issued by the IRS. You can look up organizations through their EIN which serves as a unique identifier.

Finding Nonprofit Organizations

Use these websites to find and verify nonprofits locally and across the country.

Searching for Grants

Nonprofits acquire funds through donations and grants. Public charities apply for grants from grantmaking bodies which can include private foundations, governmental organizations, and for-profit corporations. Use the websites below to search for grants and keep in mind many grant opportunities can be found just by searching Google.

Local organizations invested in the arts:

These organizations annually award grants to arts nonprofits in Muncie and the surrounding area.

Researching Nonprofits and Their Work

These databases are available through Ball State University Libraries. To find other databases, see the A-Z Databases page at the Libraries website.