Types of SSRDs to look for as you skim abstracts:
Searching for single subject research design articles (SSRDs) presents some challenges.
But there are ways we can craft our search to include most if not all SSRDs:
Interested? Keep reading for more specific instructions.
To search for SSRDs using keywords or phrases, follow the steps here, consulting the sample screen shots.
First, go to APA PsycInfo.
Description: PsycInfo is a key database in the field of psychology. Includes information of use to psychologists, students, and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, and education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Time Period: 1887 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 2,500 journals.
Subject Headings: Education, Mobile, Psychology, Social Sciences (Psychology)
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Journal Articles
Information Included: Abstracts, Citations, Linked Full Text
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Updates: Monthly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Second, copy and paste this set of terms describing different types of SSRDs into an APA PsycInfo search box, and choose "Abstract - AB" in the drop-down menu to the right.
"reversal design" OR "withdrawal design" OR "ABAB design" OR "A-B-A-B design" OR "ABC design" OR "A-B-C design" OR "ABA design" OR "A-B-A design" OR "multiple baseline" OR "alternating treatments design" OR "multi-element design" OR "multielement design" OR "changing criterion design" OR "single case" OR "single subject"
Third, type in some keywords in another APA PsycInfo search box (or two) describing what you're researching. Use OR and add synonyms or related words for the best results.
Note that the long list of terms in the top box gets cut off in the screenshot - - but they're all there.
Hit SEARCH, and then take a look at your results.
To get more specific, topic-wise, add another search box with another term (or set of terms), like in this example, which works in the topic of autism or developmental disorders:
Look at your results. Do you want to limit them to just articles in the field of applied behavior analysis? Then read on!
To narrow your search to articles published in ABA journals, copy and paste this list of ABA journals into another search box in APA PsycInfo, and choose "Publication Name - SO" in the drop-down menu.
"Analysis of Verbal Behavior" OR "Autism" OR "Behavior Analysis in Practice" OR "The Behavior Analyst" OR "Behavior Modification" OR "Behavior Therapy" OR "Behavioral Interventions" OR "Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities" OR "Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities" OR "International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy" OR "Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis" OR "Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities" OR "Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders" OR "Journal of Intellectual Disability Research" OR "Journal of Organizational Behavior Management" OR "Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions" OR "Journal of Special Education" OR "Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior" OR "Remedial and Special Education" OR "Research in Developmental Disabilities" OR "Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders"
The quotation marks ensure each title is searched as a phrase. Choosing "Publication Name - SO" in the drop-down menu ensures that results will be from articles published in those journals (not just references to those journals).
Here's an example of a search for SSRDs in ABA journals on the topic of fitness:
Look at your results. Would you like to narrow them further to just the TOP journals in the field of applied behavior analysis? Then read on!
To limit your search to just the top ABA journals, you can use this shorter list in place of the long one above:
"Behavior Analysis in Practice" OR "Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis" OR "Journal of Behavioral Education" OR "Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities" OR "Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior"
APA PsycInfo allows you to use filters to narrow your results to the kinds of sources your want. Some examples:
This method of searching doesn't guarantee all the results will be SSRDs. To verify that a given article is in fact an SSRD, you need to read the abstract carefully. Look for phrases like "the present study used X research design" or the like, where X=a type of SSRD.
Here's an example of an abstract that fits the bill; it clearly states that the researchers used reversal design, one of the types of SSRD: