A variety of desktop applications are available on University Libraries PACs in Bracken Library, the Architecture Library, the Health Library and Science Library. To request new software for the PACs, please use the PAC Desktop Software Request Form.
Programs/software suites are identified in 1 of 3 ways:
Criteria for software for PACs:
The University Libraries update Windows and MacOS PACs during academic interims and breaks.
The PACs have a shared user configuration. To access the workstation and software, Ball State University students and employees use BSU credentials; all others use a guest username and password. PACs have access to printing through the Print Smart program.
The requester is responsible for providing an end-user license agreement (EULA) for shared use computers in an academic environment. Library Data and Discovery Solutions (LDADS) personnel will review this documentation. Software is tested, installed and managed by LDADS personnel.
Desktop applications will be assessed regularly for use levels, license compliance, and functionality. LDADS will communicate with the requester before software is changed or removed.
Software not currently available on PACs that may benefit student academic work will be reviewed for installation on PACs. The workflow for new requests is:
Annually in late Spring Semester, or as needed, software on PACs will be reviewed for use and updates. This workflow is:
If for some reason a software title is no longer needed or eligible to run on PACs, this workflow will be used to remove the program.