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BIO 111: AP high school biology (Southern Wells High School)

Information tips, tricks, resources, tools, and other for APA/Dual credit BIO 111 at Southern Wells High School.

Course Website & Information

Rubric, Checklist, & Sample APA Paper

Publication Requirements for Authors

There are thousands of journal titles, each with its own specific rules and procedures that authors must follow in order to have something published in their journal. Typically, those requirements involve the following elements: file formats, fonts, page numbering, citation style, sections, reference styles, etc.

Where to find
This information can most easily found by going to the publisher's website and finding the section titled "rules for authors," "authors' guidelines," "information for submission," or something similar. Many times, you can find this information in issues of the journal, too. Databases might also have a "periodicals" or "source" details section where this information can be found.

Sometimes it is difficult to track down these guidelines. One way to get around having to scour a publisher's website for this information is to use a search engine and type in "journal title AND author guidelines" or "journal title AND publication requirements." You may have to try different keywords (like the ones above) in order to match the words being used by the journal.

See guidelines examples below:

Citation style guides

APA style (American Psychological Association) is the most widely used citation style in the sciences.

Many databases have citation tools that will format a reference in most of the major citation styles. Usually, the tool is located within the abstract page of the article or sometimes within the option for saving or sharing.

The guides listed below are either print APA style guides, online versions, or citation generators that format your citation automatically. If you are not a dual credit student but still want one of the books listed, see if your local public or school library has a copy.

NOTE: most citation generators are ess than 100% accurate. You will still want to double check an actual style guide.