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THEA 332: Freshman Performance Lab (Bautista)

Database suggestions and advice for finding sources of information for your Personal Workout Plan & Presentation.

Your assignment

From your syllabus:

Personal Workout Plan & Presentation:

Throughout the semester, you are to incorporate an ‘at home’ practice of some sort. This could take the form of yoga, HIIT workouts practiced in class (, Instagram workouts, etc. [...]
Your paper will need to "include a brief 30-minute work-out plan that is designed by you and FOR YOU. Write up your plan in an organized manner that touches on the key components of fitness (muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance).

While there are all sorts of exercises and cardio moves you could come up with off the top of your head, my suggestion is that the best workout will be built with recommendations from trusted sources.

This guide is meant to provide you choices from reputable websites and library databases.

OneSearch for books and videos

To find books and videos in OneSearch related to working out, and exercise, try this search:

OneSearch search box with these words: exercise AND workout

Then use the limiters on the left, as shown here:

OneSearch Content Type limiter, with checks in boxes by Book/eBook and Videorecording

Note: I don't recommend using "Streaming Video." Search directly on Kanopy below.

The books will be in the General Collection, on the upper floors of Bracken Library. Use the Book Locations and Floorplans page to figure out the exact floor to go to, based on the first couple letters of the call number. The call number is circled in the image below. RA, for example, can be found on 4 West.

OneSearch record for a book called "Smarter Workout" with a circle around the call number RA781 .M3853

The video recordings will be available in Education, Music and Media, on the lower level of Bracken.

OneSearch record for a video called "The ballet workout" with the location information circled.

Kanopy Streaming Films for videos of workouts and exercise topics

Reliable websites to explore


Journal articles for more current research

Some of the books, videos, and guides above might be a little dated. If you're wanting to learn the most recent research related to some new trend in exercise, searching for articles is the way to go. OneSearch and Sport Discus are good resources for that.

OneSearch search box with this text: hiit intervals

To limit to scholarly research:

OneSearch "Refine your search" pane, with a check mark next to "Scholarly & Peer-Reviewed"

When all else fails...

Users are encouraged to search for items beyond University Libraries' collections via WorldCat. Materials not available in print or online may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Please allow up to seven days for electronic delivery and up to fourteen days for delivery of physical items.