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Inclusive Excellence: Home

Welcome to the Research Guide for Inclusive Excellence! Here you will find Ball State University Libraries resources and other materials available to students, faculty, and staff members.

Office of Inclusive Excellence

Applied Technology Building, Ball State University

Inclusive Excellence Calendar

Monthly calendar

Inclusive Excellence Calendar

Vist the calendar for upcoming sessions and events from Ball State University's Office of Inclusive Excellence.

Select University Libraries' Inclusive Excellence Resources

Beneficence Pledge

The Ball State Beneficence Pledge is an adopted code of conduct for Ball State University members that lays out the basic ideals Beneficence represents.*

Members of the Ball State University Community...

  • pledge to maintain high standards of scholarship and excellence
    To work with students, faculty, and staff to strengthen teaching and learning on campus.
  • pledge to practice academic honesty
    To model and uphold academic integrity, to honor their peers and earn the trust and respect from all members of the community.
  • pledge to act in a socially responsible way
    To treat each person in the Ball State community with civility, courtesy, compassion, and dignity; to respect the property and environment of the campus.
  • pledge to value the intrinsic worth of every member of the community
    To respect and learn from differences in people, ideas, and opinions.

Ball State's Beneficence Pledge is also available on the university website.

* Source: Inclusive Excellence Toolkit, 2019-2024.

Ball State's Enduring Values

  • Excellence. We commit to excel in all that we do.
  • Innovation. We commit to be creative, responsive, and progressive.
  • Courage. We commit to set ambitious goals and to take the risks necessary to achieve those goals.
  • Integrity. We commit to be honest, ethical, authentic, and accessible.
  • Inclusiveness. We commit to respect and embrace equity, inclusion, and diversity in people, ideas, and opinions.
  • Social Responsibility. We commit to act for the benefit fo society at large.
  • Gratitude. We commit to express appreciation to others and to demonstrate our gratitude through our actions.


The Enduring Values are on Ball State's strategic planning pages.