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Description: WorldCat is the collected catalog of materials (such as books) owned more than 54,000 libraries worldwide. Great for exhaustive searches for books on a topic. Look for the "Request via interlibrary loan" link in WorldCat records to borrow items from other libraries using Interlibrary Loan. Use the "Check OneSearch" link in the record to see if we have book first.
Time Period: Antiquity-present
Sources: over 43,000 libraries
Subject Headings: Art & Architecture, Business, Education, English & Linguistics, General, Health, History, Humanities, Law, Mobile, Music, Philosophy & Religion, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences, Technology (Books, etc.)
Scholarly or Popular: Semi-scholarly
Primary Materials:Books, videos, computer software, music, etc.
Information Included: Citations only
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: OCLC
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Description: Key database in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and historic preservation. Also covers Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Interior Design, and Furniture. Some linked full text is included.
Time Period: 19th century to present
Sources: Indexes more than 2,500 journals.
Subject Headings: Art & Architecture, Humanities, Mobile
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Citations, Journal Articles, Magazine Articles
Information Included: Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Updates: Weekly
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Description: Business Source Complete covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance, and more.
Time Period: 1886 to present
Sources: Indexes more than 6,700 journals and magazines plus thousands of reports and other sources.
Subject Headings: Art & Architecture, Business, Education, News, Social Sciences (Accounting, Finance, Management, Business Education, Banking, Economics, Marketing, Computer Science)
Scholarly or Popular: Scholarly
Primary Materials: Abstracts, Case Studies, Citations, Conference Papers, Journal Articles, Magazine Articles, News, Other, Report, Reviews, Trade Publications
Information Included: Abstracts, Full Text, Citations
Print Equivalent: None
Publisher: EBSCO
Updates: Daily
Number of Simultaneous Users: Unlimited