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Dance Studies

A guide to academic research in the study of dance and dance history.

OneSearch: Our Database of Library Materials (and more)

If you want to find books we own, you'll want to search in OneSearch and then apply the "Library Catalog" limit.

To look up books about the choreographer Merce Cunningham, you can type his name into the search box, like this...

To limit to just titles we own here at the Ball State Libraries, I can click on "Library Catalog" on the left.  This will include print books as well as eBooks. Then I can explore my results!

OneSearch results for the search "merce cunningham" showing arrow pointing to "Library Catalog" on the left.

Most books will be in the General Collection, on the upper floors of Bracken Library. Use the Book Locations and Floorplans page to figure out the exact floor to go to, based on the first couple letters of the call number. GV, for example, where dance books are often classified, can be found on Floor 3 West.

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